Light House Yoga

Hannah is an up-and-coming yogi with a passion for exploring the world of yoga.  Her classes are crafted to prepare the body for all things movement.

Ignite your inner athlete and be encouraged to seek physical activities that bring you joy, health and adventure. Transform your body into a safe haven of motion and movement and feel inspired to seek out new physical activities or continue to enjoy ones you already do. Let the community of movers around you uplift and encourage you to MOVE more, so that you may experience health, wellness and happiness without limits.



MORE (MObility+coRE) Yoga

(Wednesdays @ 6:30pm – 60 minutes)

Set the body up to succeed in all things movement with this unique approach to yoga.

Class begins with building better mobility in the body, using a variety of dynamic exercises and challenges that focus on improving range of motion in the joints and reducing risk of injury and pain during any movement experience.

Next, create power in the core while performing functional movements that will help you move through daily activities and all of the physical adventures you seek with vigor and confidence.

Lastly, flow through yoga asanas that will transform all of life’s ups and downs into sweat and hustle on your mat. Leave class feeling energized, empowered and prepared to seek and do MORE of what you love.